Often times I am working on a number of paintings at once. This is due to the drying time required between layers of Oil paint.
In warmer weather it can dry in a day or two with light layers but in winter it can be a week or more, depending on how textured the work is. Heavily textured work can take months to dry but most of my work is created with thin veils of color.
These are some 8" x 10" paintings I have been working on over the past couple of months. I am enjoying the smaller size. It requires a different way of working and the gestures are tighter than with a large canvas but rewarding in their own way. I find myself really enjoying detail.
I am overlaying printing with mark making in oil pastel and oil stick (thicker texture) and applying layers of glaze and pigment. These smaller works are reminiscent of the work I create in my journal, which is just for fun.
Soon, there will be enough of them to justify booking my photographer for another session! I'll then add those photographs to the 'Small works' Gallery section.
There is not a lot of room in the studio right now as there are works on easels and works on the floor but I always find room to create somehow!