I am into month 5 of my year long art journaling course and still as inspired as I was in the beginning. It has really been an interesting learning curve. It's not just the techniques and topics that are inspiring but the digging in to personal narrative I find so exciting.
I always have an internal dialogue when i am working, it is one of the reasons I love creating art as much as I do but removing the pressure of creating a piece on canvas is liberating, it removes the necessity of seeing work in progress as part of a body of work and allows a more personal investigation.
The fact the materials are not expensive also helps to liberate the experimental nature of what I feel drawn to do next and no need to justify in terms of how that reads with work before it or after.
The pages of my journal do seem to have a kind of sequential storyline but it is of their own natural unfoldment. I guess thats how the mind works, one thing leading to the next and here it is getting put down on pages that come after one another. It is interesting to look at with hindsight and see the connections more clearly, but I love the fact I am not thinking about any of that as I am creating.
The delight is in the details. The tiniest piece of paper means something personal and although it may not be evident to anyone else viewing the work, each piece holds some meaning, has some significance to me.
This little piece of drawing paper (pictured) is a potion of a self portrait I did in the very first month. I ripped one of the ink drawings up into smaller pieces and have been incorporating them along the way in various spreads. A letter to myself also got torn up and repurposed in among other detail on other pages. As I flip though the journal, I can see how bits of the story bleed over the spreads and unite them. I can't wait to see the finished book.
I also find I have a personal style reading through the pages in much of a similar way my paintings have a signature feel to them. I guess thats what happens as you uncover your own visual language. I recognize that in my paintings because you notice these things over the years (16yrs to be precise) but the journaling is new and it feels more like a discovery again.
I look forward to creating with the same unrestricted feeling on the canvas.
Art Journaling: The delight is in the detail.
Collage work in the art journal.