'Fall Forward' Show @ Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery Lafayette. CA
The show was about taking leaps, trusting process and moving forward. I feel it met that on so many levels; from Jennifer's curation of 6 Bay Area artists working in different mediums, to the idea that each of the artists is also taking leaps, trusting process and moving forward in their art.
I think the show was perfectly titled 'Fall Forward'. It takes courage to share your work. Sharing helps an artist identify themselves with their work on a level that can be taken for granted everyday in the studio, usually alone. It's a moment to stop and assess, enquire and address what one is doing and why.
Real engagement with artwork requires courage, looking with an open mind and a receptivity to how it makes you feel. Art is a language not spoken with words. It is color and lyrical brush strokes that speak in painting. Vibration that moves you, opens you to feeling something. It is a beautiful moment when viewer and painting find themselves a match.
It's been wonderful to be included. I've met some awesomely talented people and couldn't have asked for a better welcome to the neighborhood! We toasted the night with 'New Age' -effervescent wine with lime over ice! Delicious!
Here are some pics from the opening reception: