Work in Progress.
I am waiting for these canvas to dry, so I can apply the next layer without disrupting, what is soon to be underneath. There are many techniques I have found over the years to build depth and 'patience' is definitely one of them! It helps that I usually have 4-6 canvas on the go at anytime, so I can work on 1 or 2 each day while the others dry.
The longer you can leave between layers, the drier and more stable the color you have applied. Additional coats change layers. Each layer a dimension of 'push and pull' in itself and then, how it relates to the existing layers... and on and on.....
Sometimes, I'll deliberately paint a second coat before the first is dry, so as to watch the interaction and the paint merge or blend. And, I love to see what effect gravity has over the paint, texture and fiber, pulling waves of color in a direction, movement captured in paint. That's what painting is to me, a visual record of the dialogue, between me, the canvas and my paints!
These both began as very light works but I have been exploring the 'shadow self' and it seems that is translating onto the canvas. There is still much light to be found among the shadows.
Once again, I'm repeating techniques in new ways. These works have a touch of my early 'Deep End' Series, with their Ultramarine glazing but painted in area's, not over the whole. There is a patchwork relationship in the overlapping layers and the original 'Deep End' pulp fiber, in the textured ground in both paintings. I think the next coat or two will consist of a little pigment (color undecided) and glaze. The above are works in progress still, but in the final stages, or so it feels right now. I haven't heard 'Step away from the canvas!' -yet.