I am excited to announce, I have joined the stable of artists represented at McAtamney Gallery in Geraldine! It is a beautiful, boutique gallery in a bustling township, linking the snowfields near Christchurch, NZ.
I was fortunate a good friend was travelling through Geraldine recently, when she visited McAtamney Gallery and had a really wonderful experience.
We had previously talked about what one might hope for in a gallery relationship, as artists over lunch one day. She told me she met Carolyn Mc Atamney-Rasch, and described her as exceptionally knowledgable and excited by her artists and their stories. She told me to get in touch. I’m so glad I did.
On the Kings’ Birthday weekend in June, my husband and I went for a road trip, we delivered a mix of finished work I had brought over in our shipment from the US. It was a chance to meet Carolyn face to face after a number of exchanges and have a look around.
I must say, everything my friend had told me was true. Carolyn is knowledgable on all aspects of the art world and it was evident immediately that she brings tremendous energy and enthusiasm to sharing information about her stable of artists and their work, while also having a wide understanding of the history of NZ artists and her secondary market. This is not as common as one might think in the artworld today.
“Fog on a Hill’
28" x39”
Oil on Canvas
Available @McAtamney Gallery
I had just started sorting out the new studio and am currently investigating a new series of works, but Carolyn was as keen as I am to find this handful of works their rightful homes. She also understands it takes time to settle and get the creative flow again, the muse has a timetable of its own. I am grateful for that understanding.
Relationship is everything when working with a gallery.
I know people are all excited about Instagram and other forms of social media because of the ‘world’ of exposure that if affords and the ‘immediacy’ of response time and it can be a viable marketplaces for some but, I truly think we are missing out on one of the most wonderful parts of the art world; the relationship built between artist and gallery and client.
It is much deeper than a material exchange.
There is immense wealth of knowledge, history and creativity to share in such circles, so much to learn and inspire. Gallery events to meet new faces, exhibitions to share a coherent body of work, artist talks and the social and working connections that creates in the wider community.
As an artist, it makes for more opportunity for group shows and collaborations, often through mediums which outside of the Gallery setting, the artist may not have access to independently.
I do like selling my work, and frankly it would be a cost prohibitive hobby with the amount of time I spend making art but, the process is not as transactional as buying something per-functionary.
It’s very personal. Art hopefully makes you feel something.
Art is a luxury for the senses.
I feel humbled to be included in Carolyn’s stable of artists at McAtamney Gallery. I look forward to creating a body of work to show there.
NZ is already filtering through in my current ‘Talisman Series’, acid free paper and ink works.
Natural tones abound and everything feels fluid. I have taken great solace at my window creating this series and will share sometime in the near future once fully complete.
I am always available to discuss commission but admit my reign is tight on creative control beyond palette and style reference.
My overseas clients can still contact me via email directly but I am very excited to see future works shown in NZ at McAtamney with Carolyn’s curatorship.
You can find McAtamney Gallery at: 40A Talbot Street, Geraldine, NZ.
Contact: Carolyn McAtamney-Rasch
027 395 3000 to book apt Tues/Thurs
All other days, Gallery is open from 11am-3pm
(In home viewing available by arrangement)